System Security Lab
Welcome to System Security Lab.
Our research interest is to improve the security level of all types of computer systems around us.
Computer systems consist of hardware, operating systems, compilers, applications (such as browsers, database, games, etc.). With our deep knowledge of these components, all of us are striving to develop optimized and practical security techniques.
System security is a promising research topic. All new technology, including BigData, Machine Learning, Unmanned Vehicles, and etc., cannot survive without guaranteed security. Note that conventional security techniques, such as antivirus programs, are only able to cope with legacy attacks like malware. For fundamental security enhancement, it is necessary to re-build/design the entire system from hardware to software. That's why industry and academia are looking for system security guys.
By joining in this laboratory and researching system security, students will be able to learn deep and broad knowledge on operating system designs, compiler techniques, hardware techniques, and so on. Welcome self-motivated and passionate students!
On-going research Topics:
Development of AI-based Security Techniques
Development of Data Protection Technique
Development of Forensic Techniques
Development of Software De-obfuscation Techniques
Please feel free to contact us ( (조영필 교수) or (김진환 연구원)) if you are interested in our research.
Positions are being opened for both
Undergraduate interns
Graduate students
Postdoctoral researchers